
Affiliate Marketing in Amazon associates


Affiliate Marketing in Amazon associates

Affiliate meaning in Bangla is "অধিভুক্ত","সভ্যরূপে অন্তর্ভুক্ত করা","সংযুক্ত করা","সম্পর্কযুক্ত ব্যক্তি","সম্পর্কযুক্ত সংগঠন" and Marketing meaning in Bangla is "কেনাকাটা","কেনাবেচা","বাজার করা","বাজারকরণ","হাটে ক্রয়বিক্রয়". Affiliate Marketing is basically a process where you don't have any products, sell any other person's or organization's products through your own link or website, get a commission from the sale, and that's basically affiliate marketing.

" অ্যাফিলিয়েট মার্কেটিং মূলত একটি প্রসেস যেখানে নিজেদের কোনো পণ্য নেই,অন্য কোন ব্যক্তি বা প্রতিষ্ঠানের পণ্য নিজেদের লিংকে বা ওয়েবসাইটের মাধ্যমে বিক্রি করব,বিক্রির ফলে একটি কমিশন পাব,আর এটাই হচ্ছে মূলত আফিলিয়েট মারকেটিং । "

Affiliate Marketing is a process where publishers can earn a commission by promoting a service or product  made by another retailer or advertiser. The  affiliate partner is rewarded a payout for providing a specific result to the retailer or advertiser.-----Source (shopify

"অ্যাফিলিয়েট মার্কেটিং হল এমন একটি প্রক্রিয়া যেখানে প্রকাশকরা (Publishers) অন্য খুচরা বিক্রেতা বা বিজ্ঞাপনদাতার(Advertiser) দ্বারা তৈরি পণ্য বা পরিষেবার প্রচার করে কমিশন উপার্জন করেন।খুচরা বিক্রেতা বা বিজ্ঞাপনদাতাকে একটি নির্দিষ্ট ফলাফল প্রদান করার জন্য অনুমোদিত অংশীদারকে একটি অর্থ প্রদান করা হয়।"

Affiliate Marketing is Free joining system. Any one can apply for Registration and get the affiliate link or code to set your own website of own social site. 

Working Process of  Affiliate Marketing:

  • Show an Ad or a link for Store on your website, Blog, or Social network.
  • A customer clicks your unique link.
  • The customer makes a purchase in Store . 
  • The affiliate network records the transaction.
  • The purchase is confirmed by Store . 
  • You get paid a monetary commission.

Type of  Affiliate Marketing :

  • Unattached 
  • Related
  • Involved
  • Commission-based
  • No control over program

Affiliates Marketing get paid include:

  • PPS(Pay Per Sell), any one can earn a commission for every sale you make. It’s a common payout model for e-commerce offers.
  • PPA(Pay Per Action),earns anyone will get a commission for a particular task. several affiliate programs use this payout model as a result of it’s broad and may be applied to completely different offers: a account signup, a click, contact request, kind submission, etc.
  • PPI(Pay Per Install), any one can are paid for every install generated from your website traffic. The goal of your content would be to promote mobile apps and software so that people download or install them.
  • PPL(Pay Per Lead),  pays any one can every time someone signs up for something. It is a popular payout method because companies use it for sweepstakes, lead generation, and other types of offers. Cost per lead offers are common for beginners because it is easier to generate leads than to sell products to an audience. 
  • PPC(Pay Per Click), a rare payout system wherever anyone will earn commission on each click on your affiliate link. Pay per click programs area unit employed by huge merchants with a goal to create whole awareness. Customers don’t ought to sign in or obtain something, simply to go to the merchant’s web site.

Amazon associates :

Welcome to one of the largest affiliate marketing programs in the world. The Amazon Associates Program helps content creators, publishers and bloggers monetize their traffic. There are lots of  products and programs available on Amazon, associates use simple link-building tools to direct their audience to their recommendations, and earn from qualifying purchases and programs. This is one kind of commissions base Online Marketing Program. Using  Amazon associates account any one can earn more money through this platform.

How can any one can get the account 
1.Go to
2.Sign up 
3.Fill up the association form step by step.

After join the program any one get html code or Java Script code that set on your website or Social Media to share others. From your link, post of amazon banner if any one buy any product from that you will get 10% in Amazon associate commissions. 

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